Friday, December 25, 2009

Free Calls to India from worldwide (different cou

Access based number dialing is getting very popular now. Lots and lots of new access based number services are coming up which offer free international phone calls. Earlier, there was only Freedomcallswhich offered a Australian access number dialing which you can connect to 60 countries for free.

Today, local access numbers are offered from various parts of world. You can use mobile cap minutes to dial these numbers for free and then dial your international number (international part is covered by these voip providers).

Below is the access number and calling procedure from various countries. Note that you need to check with your telecom provider if they offer free/cheap calls to these local access numbers.

1. Free calls to India from Australia :
Dial access number 0424 21 5054 .
Press 1 to make calls.
Dial Destination Number
Dial the international number (destination number). Prefix 0011 + Country code + Destination Number + #
e.g. To Make a call To India Dial 0011 91 (destination number) # Get connected straight away in the cost of local mobile call.

2. Free calls to India from New Zealand :
Dial our access number 028 3000 010/020/030
When prompted, dial the international number starting with the country code.
e.g. To Make a call To India Dial 0091 (destination number) #
+91 (destination number)#
Get connected straight away in the cost of local mobile call.

3. Free calls to India from South Africa:
Dial access number 087 5102 035
Dial Destination Number
When prompted, dial the international number starting with the country code.
e.g. To Make a call To India Dial 0091 (destination number) #
+91 (destination number)#

4. Free calls to India from UK:
Dial access number :08430180011
Dial the number you wish to call, including 00 and the country code.

Note :: I am again repeating that you may be charged too much by your telecom provider to call these local number. So first check with your telecom provider, if its free or the calling rate is very cheap then you can easily enjoy free international calls. (Some even offer free calls to Pakistan).

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